
Larry Christensen

Board Member

Larry E. Christensen has 41 years of experience in export controls and sanctions laws related to national security and international trade. Born and raised in South Dakota, he is a graduate of Duke Law School, a former Member of Miller & Chevalier, and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center where he taught sanctions and export controls for 26 years. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.

Currently practicing on his own, he is best known known nationally and internationally for software controls (cyber, encryption, defense and aerospace), application of U.S. laws outside the United States (e.g. oligarchs, and blocking funds in U.S. banks by blacklisted parties), nuclear non- proliferation, training, and developing repeatable compliance processes for over 2,000 pages of complex U.S. rules.

He and his wife have owned a horse farm in Madison County on the Robinson River since 2002. He is a member of an active discussion group within Madison County, and is interested in giving back to Madison County.