Gift Plans


Outright Gift

Cash, appreciated securities, and property are examples of outright gifts. When you transfer ownership of a security to us, you avoid capital gain on the appreciation. We are a public charity, meaning that you qualify for the best available treatment under current tax laws.


Some donors designate a specific dollar amount or a percentage of their estate in the bequest. Others simply leave the remainder of their estate to the Foundation to create their named fund.


Retirement Plan Assets

You can name the Foundation as the designated beneficiary of a retirement plan such as your IRA, 401(k), or 403(b). This is an effective way to make a charitable gift since it will not be subjected to either estate or income taxes.

Please click the button below to read the most recent information on IRA Charitable Rollover (Qualified Charitable Distribution QCD).


Life Insurance

If you have a paid-up life insurance policy that you no longer need for your family’s protection, you may consider giving it to NPCF to establish a fund. Such a gift would qualify for an income tax deduction. If the policy is not fully paid, you may continue to pay the premiums and receive tax deductions for the amount of the premiums.


Private Foundation Transfer

For some trustees of private foundations, the demands of administering and making grants from a foundation can become burdensome. The assets of the private foundation can be transferred to the public community foundation, and a fund carrying the same name as the private foundation would be set up. The trustee can continue to be involved with the fund as an advisor. The fund would also be relieved of excise taxes and other regulations.

Charitable Remainder trust (CRT)

A CRT enables you to provide a lifetime income to yourself, your spouse, or other beneficiary and provide the trust principal to NPCF at your death. This principal is then used by us to create a permanent fund named for you or a loved one.


Charitable lead trust (CLT)

A CLT enables you to provide current support to us through annual payments from the trust’s income for a period of years. These payments could flow into a permanent endowed fund named for you. Upon termination of the trust, the principal would go to beneficiaries such as your grandchildren or others.